Bryanston Organic & Natural Market

Market is open Thursday & Saturday 9am to 3pm

Bryanston Organic & Natural MarketJoin an African Timeout guide to this gem of a Market is located in Joburg’s northern suburbs and for over 30 years has focused on offering the best quality natural and organic products. Your  visit to the market will find clothing made from natural fibres, unique hand-crafted gifts and jewellery, a deli section that offers organically grown and certified fresh produce, cold meats, sauces, speciality breads, cheese, exotic coffees and so much more.

Bryanston Organic & Natural MarketChildren will have fun making candles and sand art; then everyone can enjoy refreshments in our leafy tea gardens and restaurants. We have 4 eateries that serve delicious pancakes, pizzas, quiches and curries - all are freshly made using only natural ingredients; vegetarians and diabetics are catered for.

Duration Total Distance Departure Times Notes
4hrs 100km Between 09:00&13:00 Entrance fees Included